Side projects

90s Rewind

A nostalgia-fueled YouTube channel that does a deep dive into the culture, technology, and events that made the 1990s the greatest decade of all-time. See more episodes on YouTube.


Deliver Us From Data

In May of 2015, I released my first full-length novel, Deliver Us From Data. It imagines a dystopian world in which the American government launches its own social network.

Has it sold thousands of copies? Nah, but completing it was a wonderful experience that improved my writing immensely.


Another YouTube channel, this one about outdoor gear and related topics. Not as many videos (or views) as ‘90s Rewind, but still fun.

Check out the channel here.


The Fantastic Beyond

The Fantastic Beyond is a collection of original short fiction, inspired by the legendary writing of people like The Twilight Zone’s Rod Serling, Ray Bradbury, and Richard Matheson.

